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Thank you for joining our 2024 meeting! Please stay tuned for information about our meeting in 2025.
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Saturday Field Trips
Check out our planned field trips HERE.
Buy a shirt, coffee mug, or tote bag! Check out our new Threadless shop with conference artwork of a narrow-headed gartersnake in a red rock canyon by Audrey Owens available for purchase now!

There are many inexpensive hotels and other types of rental properties that can be found by searching the internet near Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (ASDM). There are lots of hotels near Interstate 10 and Grant or Speedway. However, the options listed below are closer to ASDM.
Uber and Lyft might be difficult from ASDM, so we recommend people drive or carpool. Social events are probably going to be fairly close to the Interstate, so people can easily get Uber, Lyft, or cabs from social venues to their lodging.
There is an international airport in Tucson. The greater downtown area has a free public streetcar, but it does not cover much of Tucson. Of course, there are buses and rideshare options in town.
Cat Mountain Lodge and Roadside Inn. These are about 5.4 miles from ASDM, a straight shot down Kinney Road. Cute and eclectic and the only hotels reasonably close. There are 17 units. These range from rooms to casitas. Check out their website for more info. https://www.catmountainlodge.com/
Starr Pass Marriott: A luxury resort and spa not too far away, but pretty pricey, although they should offer government rates. Also, has access to lots of Tucson Mountain Park Trails. https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/tussp-jw-marriott-tucson-starr-pass-resort-and-spa/overview/
Gilbert Ray Campground. This is an awesome campground quite close to ASDM in the Sonoran Desert that gets little use in the summer. Tents or plug-ins. Unfortunately, they have no showers. Remember that the meeting is during the active monsoon season, so there can be dramatic and intense thunderstorms, which might wreak havoc if you are in a tent. https://www.pima.gov/1228/Gilbert-Ray-Campground
Stay tuned for more information! If you have any questions, please reach us at southwestparc@gmail.com.

Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) photo by Larry L.C. Jones.